

Living Life on Purpose


Whether it's following Jesus' command to love one another, to love our neighbor, or to make disciples of all nations, nothing grows our faith like serving others and doing those good works God prepared in advance for us.

Loving One Another

One of the ways we love our brothers and sisters in Christ is to use our God-given gifts to build up the local church. If you call our church home, we urge you to get involved and commit to serving in some capacity. And if there's something you are passionate about doing within the church and it's not listed here, reach out and we'll get you connected!

Opportunities Available



Love teaching children? We are looking for teachers for all times. Lesson plans are already put together, and we are only asking for a once a month time commitment. Background check required.

E18 Website Banner


The more Christian adults a youth has in their life, the more likely they are to not walk away from the church. We welcome anyone who would love to be a part of youth ministry, ranging from sitting in on lessons to being a chaperone on trips. Background check required.


Music Team

Play an instrument? Love to sing? Let us know! We would be happy to have you join our choir or hear from you as a solo performer. 



Volunteers needed to help work the sound board and slides for services during Wednesday night and Sunday morning.



Servers needed to help serve the elements. Communion is served one Sunday a month and commitment is once a month.



We could always use help keeping the church clean and tidy. If you love volunteering to keep our Church clean, let us know.