Growing Up to Maturity: Appropriate Responses to Our Needs (part 1) - James 1:2-4
April 28, 2024
_______________ and problems are a part of ____________ and we all must _____________ them.

The key _______________ for us is are we allowing our ________________ in our lives to become

__________________ for spiritual ________________?

Appropriate responses to our needs:

(1) _________________: respond with __________________- 1:2-4

The ____________ of ____________ to ___________: James 1:2, “___________ it pure ________,

my brothers, whenever you face ______________ of many _______________,”

Matthew 4:1b, “to be ______________ by the ______________”

The ___________ to _____________ in trials: James 1:3-4, “3because you_____________ that the

___________ of your __________ __________ perseverance. 4Perseverance must ______________

its work so that you may be ________________ and complete, not _______________ anything.”

Romans 5:3-4, “3 Not only so, but we also glory in our ________, because we know that _________

produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, __________________; and character, _____________.”

Genesis 22:1-2, “1 Some time later God ___________ Abraham. He said to him, ‘_____________!’

‘Here I am,’ he replied. 2 Then God said, ‘Take your ____________, your ____________ son, whom

you ____________—______________—and go to the region of Moriah. _____________ him there

as a burnt _________________ on a ___________________ I will _____________ you.’ ”

God ______________ a substitute for _____________ to die as a ____________. God ___________

a substitute for all of us in Jesus Christ when He ________________ on the cross for our sins, taking

the _____________ penalty of death on Himself for our behalf. ________________ Jesus into your

_____________ today.

God’s ______________ in us is to make us like _______________. Are you ______________ more

_____________ Christ?

Curt Varnadore’s Service will be this Saturday at 11am. Visitation at 10am. Oakridge Funeral Care
2425 Havendale Blvd NW Winter Haven FL 33881

Sorina Howard and Autumn Beeman will be leading our first Vacation Bible School meeting after the morning service in the fellowship hall today on Sunday, April 28th. Vacation Bible School will be on Monday through Friday, July 22nd-26th. Make plans to attend and help volunteer as we have another exciting VBS!

The Grief Support Ladies meeting will be at the church on May 2nd (Thursday) at 10:30am and then they will be going to lunch for those who would like to go after the meeting. This group is led by Linda Snyder.

The monthly men’s meeting will be on Saturday, May 4th at 8am at Golden Corral in Winter Haven. We will have a breakfast, meeting, and a devotion. Please sign-up on the signup sheet in the lobby if you are planning on attending.

COME CELEBRATE YOUR SPIRITUAL BIRTHDAY with us after the morning service on SUNDAY, MAY 5th! The CWC is sponsoring a CARRY-IN MEAL. Birthday cake and ice cream will be provided. So, whip up your favorite recipes and celebrate with us. A BIRTHDAY OFFERING will be accepted to show our THANKS TO JESUS for being willing to sacrifice His life so that we might be BORN AGAIN and have eternal life with Him! There will be no CWC meetings in June or July. We look forward to Sundae Sunday on Sunday, August 11th.

We will have a meeting with the middle school and high school youth leaders and parents before the midweek service in the youth room on Wednesday, May 8th, at 6:15 pm.

The Leadership Council will be meeting at the church on Tuesday, May 14th at 6:30 pm.

Ladies Weekend of Fellowship and Fun through Crafts, Scrapbooking, Puzzles and/or games. Come and stay all day or come for an hour or two and just visit. We will be meeting in Fellowship Hall. They will be meeting during the month of April at the church on Friday and Saturday, May 24th and 25th. The group will be starting at 1 pm on Friday and 9 am on Saturday. Please see Deb Hepler if interested in attending.

Congrats to our graduates, Katie Mulvany and Traci Freeman! Katie Mulvany and Traci Freeman are graduating from high school in May and we will be honoring them on Sunday, May 26th. Please let Pastor Kenny or Debbie Dean know if we have anyone else from our church family is graduating.

The church office hours are from 9 am through noon on Monday through Friday.

The Sunday School program is from 9:30-10:15 am. In the church library room in room 9, Bobby Steadman is teaching the Joy Sunday School class and Bill Taylor is teaching the Ambassadors class in the fellowship hall. In room 8, Autumn Beeman is leading the preschool class. In room 4, Sorina Howard teaching the grades 1st through 5th children’s class. In room 2, Myron Coon is teaching the middle school and high school youth class.

Join us for our midweek service on Wednesday at 7 pm. Pastor Kenny will be leading us in a Bible study in the Book of Acts. Pastor Tim leads in worship. Bonnie Taylor leads us in our testimonies of praise and with our prayer concerns. Doris Cox updates our prayer and praise list. The service is also on Facebook Live. Bobby Steadman is meeting with the middle school and high school youth in the youth room. Sorina Howard is leading the grades 1-5 children’s class called, “Kids 4 Christ.” They meet in room 4. Autumn Beeman is leading the preschool class and they meet in room 8.

The Book of James teaches us about practical Chrisitan living where we are both to know God’s truth and apply God’s truth in our lives. Join us during our Sunday morning services, as Pastor Kenny is leading a series from James titled, “Growing Up to Maturity.”

The church playground is for ages 2-12, it has 10 activities, it has a capacity for 40 kids, and it’s called, ‘the Gorilla.’ Also, the new basketball court is up and is being used by the children and youth!

Leadership Council Sub Committees: 1. Missions/Worship/Spiritual Emphasis (Pastor Kenny Howard, Pastor Tim Cox, Dave Hepler, and Gloria Clay), 2. Physical Facilities/Vehicles/Custodial Supplies (Bobby Steadman, and non-Leadership Council members Bob Chapman, Chuck Fennell, Russ Sheffield, and Frank Vega), 3. Christian Education and Evangelism (Myron Coon and Sam Harding).

Watch Pastor Kenny’s morning online devotions on Tuesday and Thursday on our Facebook page (First Church of God (Winter Haven, Florida)).

Please look at our new church website and all the information there:

Please see Sorina Howard or Autumn Beeman if you would like to help be a Children’s Church worker or a nursery worker during our Sunday morning services.

Scripture reading for Sunday morning, April 28, 2024

James 1:2-4, “2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

For Such a Time as This: Remembering What God Has Done for You
Esther 9:20-32, Ephesians 2:11-22
October 8, 2023, by Pastor Kenny

God has ______________ us to _______________ the great things He has ___________ for us.


________________ Purim when God _______________ His people from ___________ and his __________ decree against the __________.


The Establishment of the Festival of Purim:


The ____________ of _______________ (includes five parts)- 9:20-28

1. Mordecai’s ___________ calling for the __________________ of the 14-15 Adar- 9:20-22

2. The Jews ____________ Mordecai’s _____________- 9:23

3. The _______ for this _________ with a historical __________- 9:24-25

4. The _________________ of the name ‘________________’- 9:26a

5. The Jews _____________ of Purim ___________________- 9:26b-28

The _____________ letter of ______________ and Mordecai- 9:29-32

9:29, “So Queen ______________, daughter of Abihail, along with Mordecai the _________, wrote with full _______________ to ____________ this second ______________ concerning ___________________.”
Remembering what God has done for you:

(1) The _______________: Gentiles ___________from the Jews- 2:11-12

(2) The _________: In Christ, Jews and Gentiles are __________- 2:13-18

(3) The ___________: four ____________ for _______ humanity- 2:19-22


The Jews were to ____________ on ________ what God did to ________ them from death in _________. As Christians, we are to _____________ what God has _______ to save us from eternal _______ from our _____.

For Such a Time as This: How Great is Our God
Esther 9:1-19
October 1, 2023, by Pastor Kenny

Galatians 4:6, “Because you are his ________, God sent the _________ of his Son into our _______, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, ___________.’ ”

A great move of God in favor of the Jews:

The great ___________________- 9:1-3a

9:1b-2, “ 1  On this ________ the ______________ of the ____________ had ________________to ________________ them, but now the ___________ were ___________________ and the Jews got the upper hand over those who _______________ them.  2  The _____________ assembled in their cities in all the provinces of King Xerxes to ____________ those determined to __________ them.”

The great _________________- 9:3b-4

9:3b, “because _________ of Mordecai had ________________ them”

The great __________________- 9:5-10a

9:5, “The Jews ___________ down ________ their _______________ with the sword, ______________ and destroying them, and they did what they ________________ to those who ________________ them.”

Romans 8:31, “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If ________ is ________ us, ___________ can be _______________ us?”

The great ______________________- 9:10b-16


The great _________________- 9:17-19


From Esther 9:1-19, we have seen a great ___________ of God in favor of the ________. How much more so do _________________ have God’s ____________ in our lives when we ________________ Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our _______ and rose again on the __________ day!


Today come to _________ in the _________ God that ___________ you.